2. After updating, start Practice-Web, click on the Setup menu, and go to Sheets.
3. In the Internal grid on the left side, select the COVID Screening form, then click on the Copy button so the form appears in the Custom grid on the right side. This form has the screening questions recommended by the ADA.
5. In the Cloud Form Setup screen, click on the Add button, double-click on the COVID Screening form, and then click OK.
6. Now the COVID Screening form is in the list of Cloud Forms with an online link. Patients can sign and submit the form on any mobile device!
8. To retrieve your patients' signed COVID-19 forms, click on the Tools menu, and go to Web Forms. Pick the dates you want, refresh, and click the Retrieve button. Now the forms listed have been auto imported into patient's chart.
9. To review a completed form, double-click on the form in the Web Forms screen OR pull it from the patient's record by clicking the Forms button at the top of Practice-Web. If a patient poses a risk and should NOT come in, simply text them from Practice-Web!
10. If you'd like to sign the COVID-19 form to confirm you've reviewed it, open the submitted form, unlock the form (checkbox), sign it, and then click the PDF button.