Procedure Codes

Procedure Codes

Add New Procedure Code

Once a code has been entered, it cannot be deleted. Move the codes that are no longer used in your office to the "Obsolete" category.

Click on "Lists" in the main menu and then select "Procedure Codes." 

The Procedure Codes dialogue will open. 

In the "Procedure Code" dialog, click on the "New" button (Lower Left). The New Code dialogue box will open.

  1. In the "Procedure Code" field, enter the new procedure code. 
  2. In the "Description" field, enter the description for this new procedure. 
  3. In the "Abbreviation" field, enter an abbreviation for the above description. 
  4. Place a checkmark in the appropriate checkboxes, if they apply. 
  5. If it applies, select a Paint Type. 
  6. Select a Treatment Area. 
  7. Select a Category then click on the "Add" button. 

Edit Existing Procedure Code

From the "Procedure Codes" list dialog, double-click on the code to be edited. Following dialog opens.

  1. "Alt Code" field is for Medicaid codes, if they are other than ADA Codes. For example, the California DentiCal 3-digit code (Now using CDT-4 codes). 
  2. "Medical Code" Is for the CPT medical code that is the equivalent to ADA CDT code. Before this can be populated the CPT, medical code must be entered in to the list as an independent code.   
  3. In the "Description" field, enter the description of the new code. 
  4. In the "Abbreviation Description" field, enter an abbreviation for the code. 
  5. On the left is the "Time Pattern", this is a slide bar that you move up or down to assign the amount of time it will take to complete the procedure. The "/" represents the assistant's time and the "X" represents the doctor's time. To change the units from doctor to assistant, click on the "/" or the "X", it will toggle form one to the other. 
  6. "Remove tooth if marked complete" box is for extractions, and would show the tooth as removed in the patient chart if the procedure is marked complete  
  7. "Triggers Recall" box is for procedures to trigger a new recall in 6 months. 
  8. "Do not usually bill to insurance" box is for codes other than standard ADA Codes, or codes that you do not usually want to be billed to insurance. 
  9. "Is Hygiene procedure" box lets you automatically assign procedures to the hygiene provider. 
  10. The "Default Note" field is for the procedure notes that would normally show in the chart after this procedure was marked complete. E.g. materials used, procedures followed; whatever would normally go in chart notes. 
  11. The "Treatment Area" field determines the options available for this procedure, for example; tooth number, surface, quadrant, Etc. 
  12. The "Graphic Type" determines how this procedure will be displayed in the Clinical tooth chart.   
  13. The "Category" field is where you will assign this procedure to a category. Categories are user-definable in "Definitions". 
  14. The "Fees" field is where you enter the fee for this procedure for each fee schedule. 

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