Monthly Production Goal Report

Monthly Production Goal Report

The Monthly Production Goal Report can be used to identify your production goals in the future, if you're on track for meeting your production goals, and if you met them over a set period of time. View the Setting and Viewing Production Goals for more information on setting up your production goals correctly in the system. 

To access your Monthly Production Goal Report:
  1. Click on Reports in the Main Menu, then choose Standard Reports. 
  2. In the Production and Income section, choose Monthly Production Goal. The Monthly Production Goal window will open.

Select the information you'd like on your report.
  1. Providers: Select the providers needed on the report, or check the box next to All to include all providers.
  2. Clinics: If your practice is using the clinics feature, select the clinics needed on the report, or check the box next to All to include all clinics.
  3. Date Range: Select the date range criteria.
    1. This Month: Click to run the report for the current month.
    2. From / To: Enter specific to and from dates to run the report for.
  4. Show Insurance Write-offs:
    1. Using insurance payment date: Write-offs are calculated based on date of insurance payment.
    2. Using procedure date: Write-offs are calculated based on date of procedure.
    3. Using initial claim date for write-off estimates, ins pay date for write-off adjustments.
Then, click OK to run your report. The report window will open. It contains:
  1. Production: The total amount of completed procedures before write-offs or adjustments.
  2. Prod Goal: The total goal of the selected providers. 
  3. Scheduled: Production in scheduled appointments. 
  4. Adjusts: Adjustments or discounts added to completed and treatment planned procedures.
  5. Writeoffs: Amount of total insurance write-offs.
  6. Total Prod: Total production (Production + Scheduled + Adjustments - Writeoffs)

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